Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Free Day

Dress: thrifted and refashioned $2
tights: Target $3.50
Elephant Necklace: Christmas gift
Chain necklace: Kohl's $6

The weather here has been a little odd. Its been cool in the mornings and evenings, but during the day to was in the 90s. Not the funnest temperature, but thankfully its not real humid here. It also helped that I had the day to myself. I didn't have anywhere to go or anyone to see so I didn't get dressed right away, at least not until closer to 9 or 10 in the morning. For those of you wondering why I have no shoes on.... I was too lazy to put them back on. They were technically the same ones I wore yesterday, not that there is a real picture of that.

I'm still trying to get use to this whole take pictures thing. Haha... its awkward? I see other blogs that take like gorgeously natural pictures. Every time I'm thrown in front of the camera I get all awkward and the pictures definitely reflect that. Hopefully as I become more comfortable with this they'll look better, but until then everyone will have to just enjoy what I've got.

No photographs tomorrow again, school day. Hopefully I'll at least get a drawing up of my outfit. Until next time folks~ <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm awkward in front of the camera, too, and tend to post an awkward photo so everyone can admire it when it is in focus. (: Anyway, I'm impressed that you refashioned that dress and I'm loving all the necklaces you're rocking.
